Extra Income | Enter Contests To Make Extra Income

In previous posts I have made several suggestions on how to make extra income, here are a few different ideas. Sometimes when you need to make a little extra income you need to think outside of the box. Yeah I know that's what everyone says but it's true. Have you ever thought about entering contests or competitions to make some extra income? I'm not telling you to go out and try to make American Idol like Asia'h Epperson, but if you can sing why not. If you have a unique talent like singing, try competing in local talent competitions. I know in my area the local bars have weekly karaoke nights that feature local singers competing for cash prizes. Don't be bashful if you have a good voice give it a try , you might actually enjoy making extra income this way.

If you like fishing , golfing, bowling, shooting pool or any number of different activities there are always local tournaments and competitions that payout cash prizes. Use your talents to your advantage and join a few of these. Not only do you have the chance to make extra income but you will meet new friends and have a good time.

How about cooking? Are you a good cook? Do you have a secret recipe? With the mass appeal of the food network and all its cooking competitions , local cooking events are springing up everywhere. Why not take this opportunity to pull out grandma's old recipe and whip up a cash winning dish.

I could go on an on about ways to make extra income through local competitions and contests but I think you get the idea. Hopefully this article has opened your mind and allowed you to see there are lots of various opportunities to make extra income not only online , through eBay , or other business related ways. Good luck now go enter some contests to make extra income.

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